AOD Hero

Alcohol and Drug Prevention

Alcohol and Drug Prevention

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It's All AOD to Me!!!

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DOS Resources Tabling

FAQ's and Compliance Reports

The Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Committee created a social norms campaign with the logo “Jaguars Step In. Speak Up. Support.'' The purpose of this social norms campaign is to outline what is overestimated to be considered “normal” college student behavior and use scientific evidence to dispel these misconceptions. Today we focus on how to Step In.

Social Norms

We encourage students to uphold the Jaguar Pledge:

Step in by understanding Safe Behaviors,
Speak up by advocating for myself and others,
Support by knowing my rights and resources.

Step in-Speakup-Support

AOD Committee

The Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Prevention Committee of Texas A&M-San Antonio educates and promotes awareness of alcohol and drug misuse through innovative programming, education on personal responsibility and risk-reducing behaviors, and connection to resources for the campus community. The Committee is comprised of campus stakeholders with a vested interest in developing and executing annual goals created to address alcohol and other prominent AOD issues that could impact students’ behavior and success on campus.