Procurement Card

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The Procurement Card Programs are comprised of the Procurement Card and the Travel Card.  These are business to business credit cards that allow the purchase of goods, services and travel services directly from vendors.  The program is designed to reduce cost, shorten the buying cycle and empower the employee.  All purchases must be made within Texas A&M policies and regulations, Texas A&M University-San Antonio rules and procedures and the laws of the State of Texas.

The terms and conditions of the Pcard contract were specified and awarded by the Texas Comptroller.  The university is utilizing the State of Texas contract for Pcard services.  Texas A&M University-San Antonio will comply with the terms and conditions of the State contract in the implementation of this program.  

Purchasing Card: The Procurement Card (Pcard) program is a fast, flexible purchasing method for processing delegated orders from vendors that accept credit cards.  The purpose of the Pcard program is to establish a more efficient, cost-effective method of procurement and payment of delegated purchasing transactions.

Travel Card: The Travel Card Program is a fast, flexible method for processing travel reservations from vendors who accept credit cards.  The Travel Card program is designed to delegate authority to the departments and establish a more efficient, cost-effective method for departments to make their own travel arrangements.  The Travel Card can be used with any vendor that accepts Master Card as a form of payment.

The following important points should be reviewed before using either procurement card:

  • Your card is issued in your name.  You are personally responsible for all transactions on your card.  All purchases made on the card must be made by the cardholder.  You are responsible for the security of the card and the transactions made with it. 

  • You can use the card with any vendors that accepts MasterCard and is not on the restricted vendor list.  It may be used for in-store purchases, online, mail, telephone or fax orders. 

  • You may use the card to purchase goods or services within your delegated limit. 

  • Reconciliation of the monthly card statement to ensure all charges are accurate is required.  Statement reconciliation needs to be completed and submitted to the procurement office. 

  • Failure to follow procurement card program guidelines policies will result in temporary suspension or permanent cancellation of your card.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1.   Program Administrator: 

The Program Administrator was designated by the University Questions, issues and administration of the program.  The Administrator is knowledgeable on all procedures in the procurement program. All requests for cards must go through the Program Administrator. 

2.   Program Coordinator:

The Program Coordinator is charged with keeping documentation for card activities within the university.  The Coordinator is knowledgeable about the program, the guidelines and related forms.  Cardholders shall first contact the Coordinator, regarding the program or potential problems.  The Coordinator may refer questions to the Program Administrator when necessary.

3.   Division Head or Delegated Representative: 

The Division Head or Delegated Representative is responsible for approving monthly card statements of cardholders to ensure they are within program guidelines.  The Division Head or Delegated Representative may also assist in assigning cardholder limits and regulations. 

4.   Cardholder: 

The person designated by the Division Head or Delegated Representative to utilize the card for purchasing small dollar goods and services.  The cardholder is responsible for following the purchasing guidelines of the university in regards to purchases, selection of vendors, security of cards and monthly reconciliation's.

5.  Training:

If you are requesting a PCard , then you will need to complete the following training before continuing with this form: TrainTraq 2114531 . When you have completed that training, you will receive a completion notice via email. You will attach that email with your submitted form.




6. Resources: