Welcome to the Research and Academic Environmental Health & Safety Office!

Texas A&M University-San Antonio Research and Academic Environmental Health and Safety (RA-EHS) Office provides resources and services to protect the health and safety of the University’s students, faculty, staff, visiting public, and the environment.

RA-EHS activities include but are not limited to:

    • Coordinating research and academic environmental and safety regulatory compliance
    • Contributing to the development and implementation of University environmental and health and safety programs and policies
    • Hazard assessment and mitigation
    • Coordinating occupational safety training
    • Hazardous waste management
    • Waste reduction

Responsibility for Safety

Though RA-EHS serves as the campus community’s primary advisor and resource on research and academic environmental health and safety issues, responsibility for employee health and safety is shared through all levels, from the President to the individual employee. Administrators, directors, and anyone acting as a supervisor, in any capacity, bear the primary responsibility for safety in the workplace. Only those who have the decision-making authority can be ultimately responsible for assuring that the work environment is safe and that employees work in a safe manner.

Employees also bear some responsibility. They must adhere to all University and departmental or office safety policies and procedures and comply with safety directives issued by their individual supervisors. But they also need the knowledge, the proper equipment and facilities, and the motivation, that only management can provide.

Finally, all members of the campus community must remain vigilant and take the initiative to immediately correct and/or report unsafe conditions or activities they observe. In the final analysis, safety is everyone’s job.

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