Fire and Emergency Services Administration

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Fire and Emergency Services Administration

The mission of our program is to provide working firefighters with the theo-retical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities needed to manage and lead today’s modern fire service. The program offers outstanding instruction in developing the student’s understanding of the multi-faceted skills needed to work within public organizational context while developing the fire science knowledge base.

The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences in Fire and Emergency Services Administration (B.A.A.S.-FESA) provides students with a multi-disciplinary approach that focuses on enhancing knowledge of firefighting and developing a foundation of public sector administration, management and leadership. Our graduates receive academic training that will allow them to think critically and analytically about fire and emergency services delivery, fire prevention activities and developing strategies for the future.

The B.A.A.S.-FESA degree is offered utilizing the online format. Firefighters, police, emergency medical personnel, military personnel and others that have completed work towards an A.A.S. in fire science will be able to combine vocational and technical training/certifications with college-level general education credits to gain entry and complete their degree requirements.

Current Texas firefighters that enroll and are accepted into the program are eligible for tuition exemption as defined by the Firefighters Tuition Exemption program.

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