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Welcome to Chemistry!

“Science is the search for truth, that is the effort to understand the world: it involves the rejection of bias, of dogma, of revelation, but not the rejection of morality.” – Linus Pauling. Nobel Prizes in Chemistry (1954) and Peace (1962). 


The chemistry degree programs are rigorous but rewarding. Chemistry is referred to as the “central science” for a myriad of reasons. The main reason for this reputation? Chemistry’s core theories and principles are fundamental to the study of biology, physics, medicine, astronomy, environmental science, material science, and countless other fields. A student majoring or minoring in chemistry will walk away with the knowledge and an appreciation of how the world around them operates. 

Our students have close connections with their lecturers because of the low student-to-faculty ratio in the program. The department's undergraduate research capabilities are expanding, and there are possibilities to participate in a range of research projects.  

A&M-SA's Chemistry Program is committed to student achievement and preparation for a wide range of employment opportunities and/or graduate schools. Our objective is to teach students to think critically and independently, to apply chemical theories and principles to a greater understanding of the world. 

For more information contact:

Dr. George Shelton, Chemistry Program Coordinator 
(210) 784-2246

Dr. Megan Wise de Valdez, Department Chair 
(210) 784-2218


Chemistry Program Faculty