National Hispanic Heritage Month

Authority:   Executive Order 13230

Celebratory Month: September 15-October 15

National Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates and recognizes the contributions Hispanic Americans have made to American society and culture and honors five of our Central American neighbors (ancestors from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America) who celebrate their Independence days in September.

Events for LatinX Heritage Month 2023





Event Description




Sept. 15

LatinX Heritage Month Kickoff

Come out and celebrate the Hispanic/LatinX Culture at our annual Kickoff!

Music, Food, and more... 

CAB Courtyard

12 pm - 2 pm

Sept. 19

Your vote is Your voice 

Come out and join us in Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month with the documentary Willie Velazquez Your Vote is Your Voice!

CAB 223

12 pm - 2 pm

Sept. 21

General Coffee House feat. Andre Gomez

Come out and join us in Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month with our featuring artist Andre Gomez!

Music, Food, and more... 


6:30 pm

Sept. 27

General's Cinema -  Double Feature

Be a part of Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month with the General's Cinema double feature!


1 pm & 7 pm

Oct. 3

Loteria - Buenas con el Madla

Come out and be part of Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month with some loteria games! 


12 pm - 1 pm

Oct. 9

El Cafecito

Join us in celebrating Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month with a traditional Hispanic breakfast of free coffee and pan dulce!

Student Life Lobby

8 am

Oct. 12

Movie Screening -  Silent Beauty

Come join us at Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month with the movie screening of Silent Beauty!


3 pm

Oct. 14

Vivan los Niños

Come and be part of Hispanic/LatinX Culture at our Vivan los Niños celebration

Music, Food, and more... 


10 am - 1 pm