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Spanish Program at Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Main Office: TAMU-SA Main Campus, One University Way, San Antonio, TX 78224. 

Our department office is in Classroom Hall 314 and our phone is (210) 784-2201.

Bachelor of Arts in Spanish | Licenciatura en español  
The Spanish Program at Texas A&M University-San Antonio offers an undergraduate degree and minor area of study. Students in the major and minor take the same foundational courses including Introduction to Spanish Language Literature, Spanish grammar, and Spanish composition. We also offer courses for Heritage language learners. Our faculty offer courses in Hispanic literature, film, and culture; while also providing language courses in Spanish from the introductory to advanced levels. Students who graduate from the Spanish program are prepared for graduate and professional schools, as well as careers in teaching, technical and professional writing, editing and publishing, information services and technology, government and non-profit agencies, among other fields.

El programa de español en Texas A&M University-San Antonio ofrece una licenciatura y una especialización secundaria. La licenciatura y la especialización ofrecen cursos fundamentales como literatura, gramática, conversación, composición y aprendizaje en la comunidad. Ofrecemos cursos básicos de español para bilingües. Nuestres profesores ofrecen cursos en literatura, humanidades digitales, cine, y cultural, así como cursos de lengua básica y avanzada. Estudiantes que se gradúan de nuestro programa están capacitados para continuar sus estudios graduados y profesionales, así como carreras en la enseñanza, escritura técnica y profesional, publicación, servicios, tecnología, gobierno, organizaciones sin fines de lucro, y otros.

Program Overview
Students who are planning to begin a Spanish major (or minor) should begin with the courses numbered SPAN:2000 - SPAN:2999. These courses will introduce students to work in the Spanish major and minor. Take these courses after completing the Heritage Language sequence SPAN: 1313 - SPAN 2315 or Basic Spanish Language sequence SPAN:1311 – SPAN 2312.

The great majority of Spanish major level courses are in the range SPAN:3000 - SPAN:3999 The general prerequisite for courses in this range is at least one course in Spanish in the range SPAN:2000 - SPAN:2999.  Of the required courses for the Spanish major, probably four to five of the courses will be at this level. 

Advanced undergraduate courses are those numbered SPAN:4000 - SPAN:4998 and require a research paper. In general, literature courses at this level have as a prerequisite at least one previous Spanish literature course or may have more specific prerequisites.