Spanish | Español

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Spanish Courses | Cursos de español

Second Language Spanish courses

SPAN 1311. Elementary Spanish I. 3(3-0)
An introductory course teaching the fundamentals of Spanish in order to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. Prerequisite: TSI Reading.

SPAN 1312. Elementary Spanish II. 3(3-0)
Continuation of SPAN 1311. Prerequisite: SPAN 1311 or department approval.

SPAN 2311. Intermediate Spanish I. 3(3-0)
A review of Spanish grammar and expansion of basic language skills. Selected readings by Hispanic writers. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 1312 or two or more years of high school Spanish with departmental approval.

SPAN 2312. Intermediate Spanish II. 3(3-0)
Continuation of SPAN 2311. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 2311.

Spanish for bilinguals courses

SPAN 1313. Spanish for Heritage Learners I 3(3-0)

This is a beginning-level Spanish is designed for students who grew up in an environment where Spanish was spoken frequently and are oftentimes capable of understanding spoken Spanish, so this course will build upon students’ prior knowledge and skills to expand their ability to communicate in a wide variety of contexts. Prerequisite: Placement test.

SPAN 1315. Spanish for Heritage Speakers II. 3(3-0)
Spanish as a Heritage Language II is designed for students who have developed some basic Spanish proficiency from previous classes and/or from community experiences. The primary purpose of the course is to identify and expand on students’ bilingual range through grammar review, vocabulary building, spelling and punctuation, and the development of composition skills. Prerequisite: SPAN 1313 or placement test.

SPAN 2313. Spanish for Heritage Speakers III. 3(3-0)
Spanish for Heritage Learners III will focus on the development of academic reading and writing skills, conversation skills, and intercultural competency to develop bilingual and bicultural literacy. Prerequisite: SPAN 1315 or placement test.

SPAN 2315. Spanish for Heritage Speakers IV. 3(3-0)
Spanish for Heritage Learners IV continues to focus on the development of academic reading and writing skills, conversation skills, and intercultural competency to develop bilingual and bicultural literacy. The course emphasizes the role of students as storytellers and communicators within their communities. Prerequisite: SPAN 2313 or placement test.

Major (Required) Courses 

SPAN 2321. Conversational Spanish. 3(3-0)
Spanish 2321 helps students improve their oral and listening communicative abilities in Spanish. A variety of cultural texts, media, and music will serve as the foundation for classroom activities. Prerequisite: SPAN 2311 or 2315.

SPAN 3301 Advanced Spanish Grammar 
A review of the basic principles of Spanish grammar to be followed by a detailed study of the finer points of grammar and syntax. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Math, and Writing. Prerequisite: SPAN 2311 or 2315.

SPAN 3302 Writing for Wide Audiences. 3(3-0)
Literary and technical writing and composition; instruction and practice in basic writing; analysis of different literary prose pieces as models for writing. Conducted in Spanish. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Math, and Writing. Prerequisite: SPAN 2312 or 2315.

SPAN 3311 Professional Spanish3(3-0)
Enables students to interact and work effectively with the international and domestic Spanish-speaking medical, legal, and business worlds. Emphasizes interaction between both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking professional communities and within the Spanish-speaking professional community. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Math, and Writing. Prerequisite: SPAN 2312 or 2315.

SPAN 3320 Literacy and Language in Latinx Communities (SL). 3(3-0)
This service learning class works with local partners to address issues of literacy and language within Latinx and Spanish-speaking communities. The course will guide students through the process of planning, drafting, and revising writing projects. It examines how race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status impact experiences with language. Prerequisite: SPAN 2312 or 2315.

SPAN 3331. Latin American Film History. 3(3-0)
An introductory course teaching the history of film production, distribution, and the cinematic practices in Latin America. Prerequisite: ENGL 1301.

SPAN 3361. Survey Spanish-American Lit. 3(3-0)
The history of Spanish-American literature from its beginning to the present. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 2312 or 2315.

SPAN 4320: Special Topics / Linguistics. 3(3-0)
This course provides an introduction to core fields in Hispanic Linguistics such as: phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, historical linguistics, and sociolinguistics. Students will learn about language acquisition, bilingualism, language variation and change, and how to analyze language data. 

SPAN 4321  Foreign Language Teaching Method3 (3-0-0) 
Methods and techniques; fundamental theory and practice; Students micro-teach lessons and prepare teaching materials which emphasize integrating the four language skills for a communicative classroom.

SPAN 4322: Advanced Composition. 3(3-0)
 This is an advanced composition course that focuses on the different types of writing, including, descriptive, argumentative and narrative essay. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, and Writing 

SPAN 4325:  Digital Humanities and Storytelling in Latina/o/x Communities. 3(3-0)
 This course teaches the fundamentals for designing and completing a digital oral history research project.