University Resources Commission

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The URC will review all strategic plans requiring financial resources, Office of the President financial priorities, and infrastructure and capital plans to make broad recommendations to the Cabinet and President regarding fund allocations. These recommendations should be reflective of academic planning, institutional research, and assessment of student success programs, and determination of funds available for allocation should be based on data-informed enrollment projections.

Expiration Date
 Len Cullo, Vice President for Business Affairs/CFO
Dr. Mohamed Abdelrahman, Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost
Office of the VP Business Affairs Representives 
 Craig Elmore, Associate. VP for Finance and Controller
Enrollment Management
Leanne Johnson, Director, Student Financial Assistance 
University Advancement
John Sanchez, Executive Director of Advancement 8/31/25
Faculty Senate Representatives
Dr. Leonard Love, Faculty Senate President
Megan Wise De Valdez, Faculty Senate Vice President 
Staff Council Representatives
Dr. Joseph Pickering, Director, Student Involvment, Staff Council Delegate President 
Rebecca De Leon, Program Coordinator, Campus Visit Experience, Staff Council President Elect
College of Education and Human Development 
Dr. Sean (Wowek) Kearney, Professor
President's Selections
Kimberley Nanez, Director, Student Academic Success Center
Gilbert Barrera, Clinical Assistant Professor
Student Success and Engagement Representative
Dr. Zeak Naifeh, Associate Vice President & Dean of Students
College of Arts and Sciences Representative
Qi Han, Associate Professor
College of Business Representative
Chin-Yen Liu, Associate Professor
Student Government Association Representative
Jacob Goldstein, Student Government President 
Intercollegiate Athletics Representative
Darnell Smith, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics & Recreational Sport
Academic Dean
Dr. Rohan Christie-David, Dean
Department Chair
Dr. Durant Frantzen, Professor & Chair
Ex-officio Member
Brandy McLelland, Vice President for Enrollment Management
Carlos Martinez, Senior Budget Analyst, Business Affairs 
Abel Morales, Financial Analyst III, Business Affairs 


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URC Resources

Lecture in Classroom