Student Housing Policy

Texas A&M University-San Antonio has a housing requirement stating that first-year students whose permanent address is more than 50 miles from campus live on campus at Esperanza Hall. Students under this distance requirement who wish to reside off-campus may be eligible to live off-campus, provided one or more of the following criteria is met:

  • The student will be 21 years of age on or before the 12th class day. Proof of age may be required.
  • The student is enrolled for 6 hours (half-time or less) at Texas A&M University-San Antonio on the census date.
  • The student has earned 30 or more semester hours at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. An official transcript may be required.
  • The student plans to commute from a permanent address of parents(s) or relatives. The family member must live within 50 driving/highway miles. A relative is an immediate family member (mother/father, brother/sister, aunt/uncle, or grandparent). Proof of family relation and proof of residence may be requested. If a student resides beyond the 50 driving/highway miles, special consideration may be given on a case-by-case basis.
  • The student or parent owns property in Bexar County. The student may be given an exemption to live at that address. Property is defined as a residence that is attached to real property. Proof of property and residence may be required.
  • The student has custody of a child and can provide documentation if requested.
  • The student is married before the 12th class day. Proof of marriage may be requested.
  • The student has a valid medical condition or disability which cannot be accommodated on campus. Physicians’ documentation may be required.
  • The student was granted housing waitlist status due to housing being at capacity.

Unless a student meets one or more of the above criteria, they will be expected to apply and reside at the on-campus location.