Student Fees Advisory Committee

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Purpose of Student Fees Advisory Council (SFAC):
The Student Fees Advisory Council is established to advise the governing board and administration of the institution of the type, amount, and expenditure of student fees under Texas Education Code Section 54.503 (Student Service Fee), Section 54.539 (Recreational Sports Fee) and Section 54.53971 (Intercollegiate Athletics Fee).

Education Codes Governing SFAC:
Texas Education Code Section 54.5031  – Student Services Fee
Texas Education Code Section 54.539 – Recreational Sports Fee
Texas Education Code Section 54.53971  - Intercollegiate Athletics Fee

Committee Composition:
Per SEC Section 54.5031, SFAC will have nine students:

  • (5) students who are enrolled for not less than 6 SCH and who are representative of all students enrolled at the institution. (SGA appointed)
  • (4) students who are representative of the entire institution and appointed by the president of the institution. Divisional leadership suggests appointing (2) student organization leaders, (1) Recreational Sports student appointee, and (1) student athlete.
  • Divisional leadership suggests Staff Liaisons from the associated fee areas be present at meetings to provide feedback to questions that may arise. Staff Liaisons do not have voting privileges.

Committee Term Lengths:

  • The Student Government Association shall appoint (3) students to serve 2-year terms and (2) students to serve 1-year terms.
  • Divisional leadership would suggest similar term lengths for presidential appointments.
  • All students members must be in good standing with the institution with a minimum GPA of 2.0 (undergraduate) or 3.0 (graduate).
  • A student member who withdraws from the institution must resign from the committee.
  • A vacancy on the committee shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment.

Committee Chair selection/requirements:
Committee Chair is to be selected annually by the SFAC. The Committee Chair must have completed as least 1-year of service on the SFAC in order to be eligible.

Committee Training:
All committee members will attend trainings in which budget procedures, ethics, University policies and departmental operations are explained.

FY 2025

As it pertains to Texas Education Code Section 54.5032  – Student Services Fee, Texas Education Code Section 54.539 – Recreational Sports Fee, and Texas Education Code Section 54.53971  - Intercollegiate Athletics Fee at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. 

Current committee meetings are scheduled as follows:

January 30th, 2024 - 3:00-500pm - Committee Budget Orientation
Feb. 6th, 2024 - 3:00-5:00 pm - Presentations to Committee 1
Feb. 13th, 2024 -3:00-5:00 pm - Presentations to Committee 2
Feb. 20th, 2024 - 3:00-5:00 pm - Final Voting 

Please note:

  • Meetings are open to the public
  • A limited, 10 minute open comment time is reserved at the start of each meeting (maximum two minutes per person)

Current Committee Members

Committee Members
Name Appointed By Term
Ebbie Rodriguez Athletics 2023-2024 (1 Year) Committee Member
Krystinah Prado Recreational Sports 2023-2024, 2024-2025 (2 Year) Committee Member
Julianne Hernandez Student Government Association 2023-2024 (1 Year) Committee Member
Janet Zulu Student Government Association 2023-2024 (1 Year) Committee Member
Araceli Martinez Student Government Association 2023-2024, 2024-2025 (2 Year) Committee Member
Anneka King Student Government Association 2023-2024, 2024-2025 (2 Year) Committee Member
Jerrome Hamilton Student Government Association 2022-2023, 2023-2024 (2 Year) Committee Member
Priscilla Cazares Student Organization Leadership 2023-2024 (1 Year) Committee Member
Ramon Medina Student Organization Leadership 2023-2024, 2024-2025 (2 Year) Committee Member
Term Lengths:  Athletics: 1 or 2 year term; Campus Recreation: 1 or 2 year term; SGA Appointments: Three serve 2-year terms and two serve 1-year terms; Student Org: One serves 2-year terms, and one serves 1-year terms


Name Title
Dr. Charles Fey Vice President of Student Affairs Advisor
Len Cullo Vice President of Business Affairs/CFO Advisor
Dr. Zeak Naifeh Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Advisor
Darnell Smith Director of Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreational Sport Advisor
Arthur Olague Director, Recreational Sports Advisor

SFAC Final Recommendations