Staff Council

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Employee Spotlight

Each quarter, Staff Council honors a staff member, selected by their peers for their work ethic and dedication to advancing the work of the institution. 

The criteria used to nominate an employee include going above and beyond typical job expectations when doing the following:

- An outstanding accomplishment that benefits the department/students
- Extraordinary service to internal and/or external customers
- Initiative/leadership
- Enthusiasm/energy given to assigned work
- Exceptional teamwork
- Exemplary efforts to nurture a climate of care, concern, and civility
- Creative innovations to service, process or work tools

Our timeline is as follows:

Dates for Employee Spotlight Nominations

Employee Spotlight Month

Nomination Form Opens

Nomination Form Closes

April 2024

February 1, 2024 

 March 1, 2024

 August 2024



November 2024



January 2025 



January 2024

Francesca Garcia

We are pleased to announce that our January 2024 Employee Spotlight Award is presented to Francesca Garcia.

Francesca is a true servant leader who goes above and beyond for those around her. Not only does advocate for students but her fellow colleagues across campus. She can be seen volunteering across campus at resource fairs, housing move in, orientation, or any number of campus events, she jumps in and helps how she can. She represents the best of teamwork and being of service, all of what is contagious.

November 2023

Betty Villegas

We are pleased to announce that our January 2023 Employee Spotlight Award is presented to Betty Villegas.

As the Administrative Assistant for the Institute for School and Community Partnerships (ISCP), Ms. Villegas has a high level of responsibility for delivering exemplary support and customer service throughout the university, between the university and the ISCP, and to the school district partners within the ASPIRE Network. Ms. Villegas plays an integral role in which she often serves as a liaison between the ISCP and the university due to the interconnection between the two entities. Ms. Villegas is an outstanding member of the ISCP team and the A&M-SA community! Ms. Villegas has worked at A&M-SA for more than 10 years; she has been a part of the changes and has grown and adapted to meet the needs of the university.

August 2023

Krystina Irvin

We are pleased to announce that our January 2023 Employee Spotlight Award is presented to Krystina Irvin.

Krystina has been a staple in leading her area of the Mays Center as well as other areas of the university towards strategic goals that impact internal as well as external customers. She also served as interim Co-Chair of the university’s Carnegie Community Engagement Elective Classification Committee for May 2023 application cycle. She launched and served as co-chair of a faculty-led Experiential Learning and Service-Learning Course Designations Committee to solicit, track, review, and assess experiential learning and service-learning courses across three colleges, with the result of formal designation of 67 courses in the first 4 years. Her service in these efforts has brought the area she leads and work done with faculty in experiential learning to new heights and with new wins as well as the university's efforts to support students in new increased ways.

April 2023

Ester Woodbury

We are pleased to announce that our January 2023 Employee Spotlight Award is presented to Ester Woodbury.

January 2023

Joni Foster

We are pleased to announce that our January 2023 Employee Spotlight Award is presented to Joni Foster.

November 2022

Aaron Guerrero

We are pleased to announce that our November 2022 Employee Spotlight Award is presented to Aaron Guerrero.

August 2022

Rachel Barchus

We are pleased to announce that our August 2022 Employee Spotlight Award is presented to Rachel Barchus.