Staff Awards

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2023 Staff Awards

Texas A&M University - San Antonio staff awards will be given annually to recognize and appreciate staff members who exemplify outstanding performance with a focus on the University's core values - Student centered, equity-minded, inclusive, visionary, collaborative, and committed to excellence. 


  • Nominees must be a Texas A&M University – San Antonio staff member employed in a fulltime (20 hours or more per week) budgeted position
  • Employees in positions requiring student status are not eligible
  • Employees who have retired during the year of the award are eligible for nomination
  • Nominees must be in good standing with their department and the University as evidenced by a current satisfactory performance evaluation
  • Nominees must have been employed in a full-time position on or before September 1 of the current fiscal year
  • Employees at or above the vice president or equivalent level are not eligible for nomination

Recipients Earn

  • A commemorative plaque
  • Jaguar Excellence Award (group): $100.00 per individual will be given to the group to be used internally

Nomination and Selection Process

  • Applications will be open for 3-4 weeks
  • All employees are eligible to submit nominations
  • There will be a designated selection committee appointed by the President’s Cabinet to review the nominations and select the winners

Nomination includes: (1) A completed nomination form; (2) one-page nomination letter addressing each area of criteria for the award; (3) one additional letter of support from another faculty, staff, or student.

  • Employee has worked in higher education for less than 5 years
  • Employee does not serve in a managerial role
  • Has a high degree of integrity and loyalty to the mission, vision, and values of the University
  • Performs all aspects of their job in an exemplary manner
  • Promotes and maintains professionalism in their role
  • Provides the highest level of service to the University and always willing to go the extra mile
  • Demonstrates strong, innovative leadership and accepts responsibilities with a positive attitude
  • Employee consistently demonstrates contributions and commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment

  • Employee has worked in higher education for more than 5 years
  • Employee serves in a managerial role
  • Has a high degree of integrity and loyalty to the mission, vision, and values of the University
  • Demonstrates high level of dedication, initiative and cooperation in job responsibilities
  • Shows commitment to programming and/or process improvement that contributes to the development of students and the University
  • Displays a professional demeanor with students and staff
  • Collaborates with other departments to create synergy across the division and University
  • Demonstrates strong, innovative leadership and accepts responsibilities with a positive attitude
  • Employee consistently demonstrates contributions and commitment and to fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment

  • Employee has taken calculated risks to better the University, its employees, or its students
  • Employee has displayed tactful change when met with adversity
  • This employee has displayed innovation
  • This employee displays a positive attitude and a continual pursuit in excellence in all assigned and unassigned tasks
  • Employee consistently demonstrates contributions and commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment

Given to program that demonstrates creativity, innovation, and appeals to a diverse body of students or staff. The nominees should exemplify our core value of COLLABORATION and be a shining example of a partnership.

Nomination can include a task force or committee that has successfully executed/supported a recent campus initiative.

*Employees in positions requiring student status are not eligible.*

  • Task force or committees are made up of three or more members
  • The initiative or program should have had a positive impact on student and/or staff
  • Reflect and strengthen the University’s values and goals in alignment with our strategic plan
  • Program or projects demonstrate contributions and commitment and to fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment
  • Be effective with relation to its stated goals