Frequently Asked Questions

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Last updated 12/20/2022

What is Ready to Work?

  • Ready to Work is San Antonio’s premier workforce program.
  • Well-paid jobs require high-quality education and training. For too long, quality education has been out of reach for San Antonio residents. In 2020, San Antonio voters decided to invest over $200 million to offer scholarships and support services to eligible participants. No other city in the nation is investing in its residents like San Antonio.
  • Ready to Work will provide tuition assistance for approved training and education programs for over 28,000 adults. These programs include:
    • High-school equivalency courses, like a GED;
    • Industry-recognized credential and certificate programs.
    • Associate degree programs; and
    • Bachelor’s degree programs.
  • Ready to Work’s personal coaches will help you evaluate training, education and employment options throughout your journey.


Who is eligible for Ready to Work?

Ready to Work is intended to serve San Antonio residents that are unemployed or employed in low-paid jobs that don’t make full use of their skills and abilities. To be eligible for Ready to Work:

  • You must be:
    • At least 18 years old;
    • A resident of San Antonio (find out if your address is eligible here);
    • Permitted to work in the United States;
    • Willing to take assessments related to workforce readiness; and
    • Willing to complete training and education aligned with high-demand careers.
  • You have already earned at least 30 college credits at the time of intake.
  • Your household income may not exceed 250% of the federal poverty guidelines, which are periodically updated. For example, as of January 2022:
    • An individual living alone with an annual income of less than $33,975 would qualify for Ready to Work;
    • A head of a household of four with an annual income of less than $69,375 would qualify for Ready to Work. 

How do I apply for Ready to Work?

  • Connect with A&M-San Antonio by completing the interest form
  • Your interest form will be reviewed for eligibility. A Ready to Work intake specialist will contact you to assist with completing the next steps of your application.
  • After your application has been processed with a Ready to Work intake staff, it will be reviewed and you will be notified of the next steps.



Why should I apply for Ready to Work?

  • You should apply for Ready to Work if:
    • You are interested in improving your skills by enrolling in one of the following approved training programs:
      • High-school diploma courses (like a GED)
      • Industry-recognized certification programs (like a skilled trade, craft, medical or IT certification);
      • Associate degree programs; and
      • Bachelor’s degree programs.
    • You want help with finding a well-paid job in a high-demand career.
    • You want extra support to overcome barriers relating to training, education or job hunting.

What services are covered by Ready to Work?

Ready to Work partners provide the following services at no charge:

  • Personal coaching to understand your skills, education, life challenges and goals
  • Career and education planning to map out your future.
  • Enrollment assistance and paid tuition for the following approved training programs:
    • High-school diploma courses (like a GED)
    • Industry-recognized certification programs (like a skilled trade, craft, medical or IT certification)
    • Associates degrees
    • Bachelor’s degrees
  • Job placement and retention services such as resume building, interviewing preparation, time management and soft skills
  • Support services to overcome financial, social and emotional challenges
  • Emergency financial assistance to assist with training completion and job placement
  • Referrals to additional community resources to meet individual needs


What industries are part of Ready to Work?

Ready to Work prioritizes the following industries that have a lot of open jobs that pay well.


Energy / Oil & Gas / Utilities 



Finance / Insurance 

Professional Services



Skilled Trades 


Information Technology / Cybersecurity

Transportation / Warehousing / Logistics





What training/courses are available to me?

  • The Ready to Work approved training catalog lists over 900 approved courses that are aligned with critical needs of San Antonio employers in Ready to Work target industries.
  • Over 50 local universities, schools and training providers are offering approved courses.
  • Employers are providing input into skills necessary for tomorrow’s workforce.
  • Employers have pledged to hire Ready to Work participants after they complete training.


Will Ready to Work cover all my tuition expenses? 

  • Ready to Work tuition is capped per individual up to amounts indicated on the table below, depending on which training program is selected.
  • Personal coaches will help participants navigate training and career options.
  • Ready to Work may require participants to apply for alternative scholarships to supplement Ready to Work funding.
  • Personal coaches will assist participants with finding supplemental tuition funding or alternative training options if necessary.


How much financial assistance can I receive? 

Program Funding per Participant

Annual Cap

Total Cap

Certificate Training



Associate Degree



Bachelor’s Degree



Emergency Assistance




What does the Ready to Work Process entail?

Ready to Work involves three stages:

  • Stage 1: Apply
    • Connect with A&M-San Antonio by completing the interest form
    • Meet with an intake specialist to:
      • Confirm eligibility;
      • Complete paperwork; and
      • Map out a training and career plan based on your skills, education, life challenges, and desires.
    • Please provide a valid email and phone number so we can stay in touch.
  • Stage 2: Enroll & Complete Training
    • Your intake specialist will help you enroll in and pay for classes.
    • Ready to Work has resources to help you stay in school and on track to succeed.
  • Stage 3: Get Hired
    • Your personal coach will help you improve your interview skills, resume, and online profiles.
    • Attend job fairs and interviews supported by Ready to Work.
    • Employers are committed to your success and are ready to hire you!
    • Ready to Work is here to help you thrive!