Terms and Conditions

Statement of Authorization and Responsibility

You must authorize Texas A&M University-San Antonio (A&M-SA) to apply all financial aid funds to your A&M-SA student account to the extent necessary to pay any current outstanding educational charges, and then release the remaining proceeds to you. You must understand that you are responsible for officially notifying the Registrar and Student Financial Aid and Scholarships (SFAS) if you decide not to attend school. You must further understand you will be held responsible for repaying all the monies that are disbursed as a result of having registered for classes and not officially withdrawing.

Financial Aid Disbursement

Funds will not be disbursed until all eligibility requirements are satisfied. SFAS will disburse awarded funds to student accounts no earlier than 7-10 days prior to the first day of class. If your award package includes Federal Direct Loan funds, the aid will be disbursed to your student account as soon as we confirm that you have completed both Direct Loan Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN). A&M-SA will first use the aid to pay your tuition and fee charges and if applicable, room and board.  Any remainder will be disbursed to the student through BankMobile Disbursement, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Here are some helpful instructions: Student Business Services - Student Refunds.

Revision and Cancellation of Aid

SFAS reserves the right to review, revise and/or terminate your financial aid awards at any time due to changes in your financial status, enrollment status, academic status, and/or receipt of award(s) (resources) after your initial award notification. Your financial aid award may not exceed your cost of attendance. SFAS is required to review potential overawards and make adjustments accordingly.  If, after the aid package has been awarded, it is determined that an additional resource is available to the student to help meet the cost of attendance, SFAS will be required to recalculate the applicant’s eligibility to include the additional resource. If the additional resource causes an overaward situation, the student’s aid package will be adjusted to compensate for the overaward. Adjustments may include canceling or decreasing previously awarded aid. A revised award notification will be sent to the applicant/student indicating a revisions been made to the aid package. Your failure to comply with federal and state laws and regulations, financial verification and audit procedures, university policies including those expressed in these provisions, or the university catalog will be subject to the changes stated above.  In addition, your financial aid award is subject to revision should the annual federal and state allocation of funds to the university be reduced below anticipated funding levels, or should limitations be placed on funds intended for student financial aid purposes.

Enrollment Audit

Your financial assistance is calculated using a full-time enrollment status for undergraduate students: 12 hours per term and enrollment for graduate students: 9 hours per term.  However, if you register for less than full-time status it is necessary for you to submit an Enrollment Change Request to SFAS.  The form is available online at: Student Financial Aid and Scholarships - Forms. The form is due by August 1 for fall terms and December 1 for spring terms.  SFAS is required to conduct an enrollment audit each term of all students receiving financial aid.  Therefore, if your enrollment status is less than full-time at the conclusion of the 12th class day, your award(s) will be adjusted accordingly. In the event that your aid is reduced or cancelled after the 12th class day, a debt to the institution may result.  You can verify this by occasionally logging on to the JagWire and reviewing your student account balance.

Your enrollment status is based only on the hours for which you are actually enrolled. Federal rules do not permit us to adjust enrollment based on internships, student teaching or recommendations of the Office of Disability Student Services (DSS).

Repayment of Financial Aid due to Withdrawal

Federal regulations require A&M-SA to perform a refund calculation for unearned aid on all students who officially withdraw on or prior to 60% of the payment period (semester/term) and received Federal Title IV funds. If a student withdraws from ALL classes prior to the first class day, they must repay all financial aid received for that term. If a student withdraws or cancels enrollment on or after the first class day and on or before the 60% point of a semester, all or a portion of Title IV funds (Federal Pell Grant, SEOG, Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized, Federal Direct PLUS and Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loans) awarded to a student must be returned according to provisions of the Higher Educational Act Amendment of 2008. The calculation and return of these funds may result in debt to the University and/or U.S. Department of Education. In addition, any future financial aid will be cancelled. Federal regulations also require the University to perform a refund calculation for unearned aid on all students who unofficially withdraw (cease attendance without school notification). Therefore, a student who does not earn a passing grade in any one class due to lack of attendance and who receives Title IV funds will be considered an unofficial withdrawal unless appropriate documentation is provided. These refunds must be calculated using the 50% point of the semester unless it can be documented by the professor or other school administrator what the official last date of attendance was. With the calculation and return of these funds, as with an official withdraw, debt and/or cancellation of future financial aid may result. For additional Information visit: Withdrawal and Return of Financial Aid Funds

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) denotes a student’s successful completion of coursework toward a degree. Federal regulations require SFAS to monitor the progress of each student toward degree completion. Students, who fall behind in their coursework (fail classes), fail to achieve minimum standards for grade point average or fail to complete classes in a maximum time frame, may lose their eligibility for all types of federal and state aid and university aid administered by SFAS.

You must acknowledge that you have carefully read and understand the Satisfactory Academic Policy of Texas A&M University-San Antonio. Please visit the following link for more information: Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy.

Enrollment at Multiple Institutions

A student may not receive a Federal Pell Grant from more than one institution during the same enrollment period (semester). If it is determined that a student is receiving aid from multiple institutions, SFAS will revise that student’s award accordingly. In the event that your aid is reduced or cancelled, a debt to the institution may result.

Per FAFSA Step Seven Disclaimer: The student and/or parent signs the application certifying that the student (1) will use federal and/or state student financial aid only to pay the cost of attending an institution of higher education, (2) are not in default on a federal student loan or have made satisfactory arrangements to repay it.

Summer School Financial Aid

After spring grades are posted and Satisfactory Academic Progress is reviewed, summer financial aid is awarded. In order for your award to be made prior to the beginning of the summer term, you must have pre-registered. You must be enrolled for at least six (6) hours in summer to receive Federal Direct Loans. 

Summer financial aid is available for students who have remaining aid that was not utilized during the prior fall and spring terms. The summer term is the final term in our academic awarding year, (fall being the header, spring being the following, and summer being the trailer). Therefore, if a student has completed the FAFSA for the current aid year, the application also includes summer. Students will need to complete a summer application and submit to SFAS. Students new to A&M-SA for the spring or summer term will need to complete a Transfer Monitor Form in order to accurately determine Federal aid eligibility. SFAS is required to review your student aid history within the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Summer aid is awarded based on any students remaining eligibility for Title IV funds, remaining Pell grant and student loans. Students may apply for private loans with lenders of their choice.