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Single-Semester Funding Eligibility

Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to apply for single-semester funding.

Who Can Apply?

We accept applications from individuals, recognized organizations or offices, or from collaborative efforts among individuals or groups. The following types of requests are unlikely to receive funding:

  • Staff or faculty travel to professional conferences, whether or not research is being presented;
  • Student travel to present research findings;
  • Equipment purchases (more appropriate for departmental funding)

Application Form

The application will ask for the following information:

  • Names and contact information;
  • Whether the project is single semester or multi-semester;
  • If it has been funded before and for how many semesters;
  • Multi-semester projects only: description of how project will be sustained and/or long-term effects;
  • Type of research, academic or co-curricular project;
  • Abstract;
  • Description of how the project promotes equity and equity-mindedness on campus; and
  • Budget justification.