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Multi-Semester Funding Eligibility

Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to apply for multi-semester funding. Multi-semester funding has a maximum funding over four semesters.

Who Can Apply?

We accept applications from individuals, recognized organizations or offices, or from collaborative efforts among individuals or groups. Applications for previously awarded multi-semester funding may be resubmitted after the required report is submitted. However, the following types of requests are unlikely to receive funding:

  • Staff or faculty travel to professional conferences, whether or not research is being presented;
  • Student travel to present research findings;
  • Equipment purchases (more appropriate for departmental funding)

Application Form

The application will ask for the following information:

  • Names and contact information;
  • Whether the project is single semester or multi-semester;
  • If it has been funded before and for how many semesters;
  • Multi-semester projects only: description of how project will be sustained and/or long-term effects;
  • Type of research, academic or co-curricular project;
  • Abstract;
  • Description of how the project promotes equity and equity-mindedness on campus; and
  • Budget justification.