Leadership A&M-San Antonio

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A&M San Antonio Leadership Academy 

Purpose – The Leadership Academy is a 9-month program designed to explore leadership topics and enhance existing skills with the goal of creating a solid foundation for higher education leaders. This program is designed to maximize learning and is conducted via presentation of theory/topic, classroom discussion and activities designed to reinforce learning principles.  

Cohort I


Kimberly Nañez Douglas Daigle Clarissa Tejeda
Antoinette Curl Jose Sanchez Ester Woodbury
Heather Olague Gretchen Doenges
Lloyd Butler John Sanchez
Art Olague Joseph Pickering

Cohort 1 (Primeros) Meeting Schedule

Cohort II

(New Cohort)  

Courtney Baxter Sherry Patrick Aaron Guerrero
Edlin Roldan Jarrick Brown Christina Gomez
Cristina Dominguez Rosalinda Dietzmann Abel Morales
Angelica Garza Veronica Flores Trevor Brunet
Marvin Lutnesky Alana Crawford

Cohort 2 Meeting Schedule

Application Information below 

Expectations of Leadership Participants – the following are expected of all Leadership participants and are required for graduation.  

  1. Attending and actively participate in all sessions of the Leadership program. If a participant does not attend more than two sessions, he/she will be removed from the program.  
  2. Obtain support of supervisor and college or division head 
  3. Complete all pre-work, homework and final project assignments.  
  4. Participants in the evaluation of the Leadership program and provide information regarding how you integrate the concepts and skills learned into your daily practice after completing the program.  

Eligibility Criteria – to be eligible you must meet the following criteria:  

  1. Be a budgeted, benefits-eligible faculty or administrative/staff member with Texas A&M University-San Antonio  
  2. Participants must be employed with A&M SA one year. Faculty members must be employed one academic year.  
  3. Obtain supervisor’s commitment and approval on the application.  

Selection Criteria – Applications will be evaluated, and participants selected, based on the following criteria:  

  1. Strength of applicants statement of interest  
  2. Supervisor’s letter of support  
  3. Diversity of cohort  

Leadership applications will be evaluated based on the following:  

  1. Value – The extent to which participation has the potential to add value to the applicant’s own job, department, division and campus as described in the applicant’s statement of interest and the supervisor’s letter of support. 
  2. Motivation – The applicant’s demonstrated interest and motivation to attend as described in his or her statement of interest. 
  3. Quality – The quality of the applicant’s written statement of interest as demonstrated by:

    . Spelling and grammar.

    b. Writing style – professional and easy to read.

    Content – thoroughly addresses all the items listed in the Application Process Instructions.

    Supervisor’s support – the supervisor indicates strong support for the applicant based on his or her letter of support. 

    Relevance – the program’s relevance to the applicant’s current and potential future positions as described in his or her statement of interest and the supervisor’s letter of support. 

    f. Leadership Experience (including but not limited to A&M SA) – description of the length of time and scope of leadership responsibilities to include organizational leadership, group or team leadership, and supervision.

Application Process 

  1. Determine if you are eligible for participation in the leadership program by reviewing the eligibility criteria.
  2.  Complete and gather your application materials 

     a. Complete application form signed by you and your supervisor.

     b. Your written statement of interest that includes: 

  1. A description of your current and past leadership experience (various roles, number of years, significant accomplishment) and/or your future leadership aspirations. 
  2. A description of how your participation in the A&M SA Leadership program will add value to your department, division, college, and the University. 
  3. Any other relevant information you would like us to consider. 

     c. Your supervisor’s letter of support that includes: 

  1. A recommendation for your participation 
  2. A description of how your participation will add value to the department, college or division and the University. 
  3. Anything else he or she would like us to consider. 

The application window for the Leadership Academy FY22-FY23 has now closed.