JagSEAL Picture

JagSEAL for Inclusive Excellence

JagSEAL Inclusive Excellence Certification

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The Texas A&M University-San Antonio JagSEAL (Shared Equity Alliance and Leadership) of Inclusive Excellence Certificate program is designed to offer faculty and staff the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge to support a strategic, sustainable approach to inclusive excellence throughout the campus community. Guided by a holistic framework, participants will engage in courses that support their development as leaders, educators, and members of the campus community.


The program is guided by the following objectives: 

  •  Establish a shared understanding of equity, and inclusion’s impact on the effectiveness of the institution 
  •  Integrate diversity and inclusion principles and practices into the institution’s operating procedures 
  •  Examine strategies to synthesize diversity, equity, and inclusion in curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities.
  •  Recognize the exemplary efforts of faculty and staff advancing diversity and inclusive excellence  

Course Content Areas for JagSEAL Inclusive Excellence Certification

  • Foundation Courses: Provide all members of our community with foundational knowledge and common language to better understand why diversity is core to our work at A&M-San Antonio.  
  • Leadership Courses: Provide all members of our community with the opportunity to increase their capacity to be effective equity-minded change agents committed to leading with integrity.    
  • Educator Courses: Provide all members of our community with the knowledge and tools to enhance inclusive excellence in their curricular, co-curricular, or extra-curricular instruction.  
  • Exploratory Course: Provide all members of our community with the opportunity to self-design and individualize their learning experience based on their interests.  

How to register for Blackboard Courses


Ally for Equity

Complete self paced modules on Blackboard:

Participants will receive:

  • Certificate of completion
  • JagSEAL Ally designation on faculty/staff profile
  • JagSEAL Lapel Pin

Ambassador for Equity

Complete Ally Requirements +

  • Foundation: DEI 201
  • Leadership: DEI 202
  • Educator: UndocuAlly or Safe Space Training
  • Exploratory: DEI 203
  • Service: Volunteer at one PCOE2 program event 
  • Present Capstone project

Participants will receive:

  • Certificate of completion
  • Lapel Pin Rosett
  • Letter to the participants’ supervisor
  • Recognition at convocation
  • JagSEAL Ambassador designation on faculty/staff profile

Champion for Equity

Complete Ambassador Requirements +

  • Foundation: DEI 301
  • Leadership: DEI 302
  • Educator: DEI 303
  • Exploratory
  • Service: Volunteer at one PCOE2 program event; Serve as JagSeal program mentor or planning committee member

Participants will receive:

  • Certificate of completion
  • Letter to the participants’ supervisor
  • Placard
  • Recognition at convocation
  • Recognition on OEIE website
  • JagSEAL Champion designation on faculty/staff profile

Program Partners

  • A&M San Antonio DEI Faculty Fellow
  • Black faculty and Staff Network
  • Compliance and Risk Management
  • Disability Support Services
  • Faculty Senate
  • First Generation Center
  • Human Resources
  • Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement



  • Military Affairs
  • Office of the Provost
  • President’s Commission on Equity
  • Staff Council
  • Student Government
  • Student Success
  • Title IX
  • Transfer Student Engagement

Ready to become an Ally or Ambassador?