Cisneros Student Leadership Conference

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2021 Cisneros Student Leadership Conference

Leaning In: Self-Care and Resiliency

Saturday, October 2, 2021
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
CAB | Vista Room

Conference Description

The year’s conference’s theme is Leaning In: Self-Care and Resiliency. Often as leaders, we prioritize others’ wellbeing over our own. However, leaders must also ensure that they take care of themselves first. The goal of the Cisneros Student Leadership Conference is to provide participants with strategies on self-care, pushing through difficulties, and navigating relationships. The participants will also receive Texas A&M University-SA and community-wide resources. 

2022 Cisneros Student Leadership Conference

Save the date: Saturday, October 1st.

Stay tuned for more information!