Temporary Illness/Disability

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It’s not unusual for students to encounter temporary illnesses or injuries during their time at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. The flu, broken bones, extended hospitalizations, surgeries, etc., all represent temporary conditions which may result in missed classes and other academic difficulties. We encourage you to contact the Disability Support Services Office at (210) 784-1335 or dss@tamusa.edu to determine if DSS can assist you.

The Disability Support Services Office at A&M-SA is committed to ensuring equal access, full participation, and reasonable accommodations by coordinating services that meet the unique educational needs of enrolled students with documented disabilities. DSS provides intake and consultation services to students and will review all documentation to determine eligibility and appropriate accommodations. DSS works collaboratively with students as they actively participate in their academic pursuits. We hope these services will produce access to a teaching and learning environment that promotes student participation and engagement. 

Students may request temporary illness/disability assistance by completing the following steps:

  1. Provide the Dean of Students Office with a letter from a medical doctor who must contain the following:
  • A diagnosis and how the diagnosis impacts your academic pursuits
  • Duration of illness, from the time it began to impact you academically and until the expected recovery
  • Documentation may also include recommendations for academic adjustments (e.g., excused absences, tardiness leniency, extended time for tests)
  1. After receiving the required medical documentation, the Dean of Students Office will send an email to your professors or provide you with an absence verification slip to take to your professors.
  2. Your responsibility is to discuss your absence with your professors and work out the details of the adjustments.
  3. Remember, your professors have no obligation to make temporary adjustments. If they decline to allow adjustments, you may need to drop the course, ask for an incomplete (1) (if allowed), or repeat the class in the future. 

Pregnancy does not qualify for ADA protection, provided it is of normal duration without severe complications. For more information on pregnancy guidelines, please click here.