Space Management

Guiding Principles for Space Allocations

  • Space is a key university asset.  Effective utilization of this asset is critical to the success of TAMU-SA’s missions.  Space can be a limiting resource in the development and improvement of university programs.  Accordingly, space must be actively managed, and space allocations and assignments must be made strategically, consistent with the university priorities.
  •  The physical plant of TAMU-SA is ultimately property of the citizens of the state of Texas.  Space is not “owned” by current occupants or users.  Therefore, the president, as CEO, has the final authority for all decisions regarding the allocation and utilization of space on the TAMU-SA campuses.  The President may delegate this authority to the VP’s as the president deems appropriate.
  •  Space assignments shall be made in accordance with University priorities and programmatic needs at the departmental, division, or University level as appropriate.   Normally, functions and programs will be assigned to spaces designed and constructed to be consistent with the intended use.
  •  Space allocations will normally be made in accordance with University planning standards for the amount of space associated with personnel classification or needed for particular functions.
  •  Whenever possible, programs should be assigned contiguous space.
  •  The process for reassignment or reallocation should include active involvement or direct consultation with the user/occupant of assigned spaces, or the responsible administrator.
  •  Costs for expansion, renovation, and moves are normally assumed by the program or unit involved.  The University may assist at its discretion.
  •  When units/programs must relocate as a result of a university decision to reallocate or reassign space, the University will assist the program or unit in identifying and configuring space, consistent with a current evaluation of the mission, role, and needs of the unit and these principles.
  •  Space assignments or allocations should not be made to address personnel issues.
  •  When a unit moves into a new space, the space vacated as a result of that move reverts to the central University pool for reallocation through the space assignment process.
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