Recreational Sports

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Nutrition Coaching

Our Nutrition Coaching program started in Fall of 2020 and has expanded its offerings from only students to the entire Campus Community. Before meeting with your Nutrition Coach, you will complete a health history questionnaire and intake form, three-day food log, and a food frequency questionnaire. These assessments will become the guide our Nutrition Coach will utilize to help create custom recommendations designed to meet your needs. During your virtual meeting, you and your coach will set goals and discuss behavior modification strategies to ensure you can stick with your plan long-term. Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, increased exercise performance, or creating a healthy relationship with food, our Nutrition Coach will be here for you!

Pricing and Packages



Faculty/Staff Members

Faculty/Staff Nonmembers 

Initial Consultation 

Includes a one hour consultation with recommendations made based off of intake forms, sample meal plan, and all applicable handouts.




Follow-Up Session 

Includes a 30 minute follow-up meeting to answer in-depth questions, evaluate current and future goals, and aid in behavior modification strategies.




Interested in moving forward? Set up an appointment by emailing: