Mexican American, Latinx, and Borderlands Studies

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Course Descriptions

graduationFor individual course descriptions, click on the link to the specific College (Arts & Sciences; Business; and Education & Human Development) then scroll through the descriptions in alphabetical order. 

NOTE: Check the current course schedule for specific course offerings. Not every course is taught every semester so you must plan accordingly to complete the minor in a timely manner. 


CRIM 3357: Border Security Issues 3(3)
Examines cultural, historical, biographical, political, economic, crime, and violence related border security protection issues that influence criminal justice organizations, the criminal justice system, and national security.



2312: Borderland Rhetorics 3(3)
This course examines discourses associated with borderlands broadly conceived as transnational, cultural, and material spaces. Students in this course will learn about the history and theory of a range of borderlands rhetorics. Students will also apply this knowledge through the analysis and production of text.  Prerequisite: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 2311.  

4388: Latinx Literature 3(3)
This course examines Latinx writers including but not limited to those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Indigenous, and Latin American descent in the United States. Can also encompass the literature of the Américas more broadly as well as the immigrant experience. Emphasis may be on a selected country of origin, period, genre, theoretical perspective, or issue. (The use of “x” in Latinx is a gender neutral term that replaces the “a/o” in Latina/o.)  Pre-requisite: ENGL 3312, 3315, or 3331.

4370: Special Topics in English 3(3)
Selected topics in British or American literature and/or world literature and language. A topic for intensive investigation will be selected for each offering of the course. May be repeated once for credit. (Credit may not be obtained in both ENGL 4370, and, when topic is taught from a women's studies perspective, WMST 4370.) Pre-requisite: ENGL 3312, 3315, or 3331. (Can be petitioned for MALX minor only when taught from a MALX perspective.)



HIST 2301: Texas History 3(3)
Spanish background, Anglo-American settlement, the Revolution and Republic and statehood; economic, cultural and political development. Prerequisites: HIST 1301 and HIST 1302.

HIST 3311: History of the Spanish Borderlands 3(3)
Examination of the history of the Spanish empire in the present-day parts of the United States.
Prerequisites: HIST 1301 and HIST 1302. 

HIST 3312: Native American History 3(3)
Survey of Native American history in North America, from prehistoric times to the present. Prerequisites: HIST 1301 and HIST 1302. 

HIST 3348: Mexican American History, 1848 to the Present 3(3)
Examination of the experience of Mexican Americans since the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo to the present day.  Prerequisite: HIST 1301 and HIST 1302.

HIST 4347: The American West 3(3)
An examination of the history of the American West from pre-contact to the present. Prerequisites: HIST 1301 and HIST 1302. 

HIST 4356: Mexico 3(3)
Political, economic and social history of Mexico from pre-Columbian times to the 19th c. Prerequisites: HIST 1301 and HIST 1302. 

HIST 4380: Crucial Topics in U.S. History 3(3)
Intensive seminar on a specialized topic in United States history, culminating in the production of a significant research paper. May be repeated once for credit as the topic changes. Prerequisites: HIST 1301 and HIST 1302. 

HIST 4392: Crucial Topics in Latin American History 3(3)
Intensive seminar on a specialized topic in United States history, culminating in the production of a significant research paper. May be repeated once for credit as the topic changes. Prerequisites: HIST 2321 and HIST 2322. 



POLS 3341: International Relations 3(3)
The underlying principles governing political relations among sovereign states and the applications of these principles to contemporary international problems. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.

POLS 4355: Government and Politics of Mexico 3(3)
The structures, functions and processes of the political system of Mexico. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.

POLS 4370: Special Studies in Political Science 3(3)
An intensive examination of special topics of study in political science. Course may be repeated once for credit when the topic of study changes. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.



SOCI 2361: Introduction to Mexican American, Latinx, and Borderlands Studies 3(3)
This course is designed to familiarize the student with socio-cultural, demographic, political, economic, and historical contexts characterizing the Mexican American/Latinx population in the U.S.(Required to complete a minor in Mexican American, Latinx, and Borderlands Studies.)

SOCI 3361: Mexican Americans: Identities, Movements, and Social Justice 3(3)
This course focuses on Mexican Americans in the United States and the intersections between identity and social movements that have occurred throughout history in their push for civil, political, and human rights within the realms of citizenship, immigration, economic exploitation, environmental justice, and women’s rights.  

SOCI 3362: Immigration, Racial Politics, and Nation 3(3)
This course examines historical and contemporary diasporas to the United States, with a primary focus on Latinas/os, and the racial/ethnic, sociopolitical, and economic intersections when debating the politics of inclusion/exclusion in a nation.

SOCI 4343: Social and Natural Systems of the US-Mexico Border 3(3)
This course investigates the interaction of human society and the natural environment along the US-Mexico border. Issues such as population growth, resource use, economic development, and environmental degradation will be covered in the context of the border region. Prerequisite: SOCI 1301.

SOCI 4353: Mexican American Families 3(3)
This course will educate students on the structure and culture of Mexican American families. The role of this important institution will be examined in the context of the broader Mexican American experience. Data and empirical research along with significant cultural artifacts important for understanding Mexican American families will be examined.

SOCI 4362: Race and Ethnicity 3(3)
This class focuses on a critical analysis of the concepts of race and ethnicity; the formation of racial and ethnic identities; the imposition of identities on groups and individuals; and the dynamic nature of racial and ethnic labels. Prerequisites: SOCI 1301or ENGL 1302. 

SOCI 4363: Afrx Latinxs: Race, Culture, and Transnationalism 3(3)
Through lectures, readings, film analysis, discussion and writing it is the goal of this course to illuminate the processes, actions, and histories that have impacted the lives of Afrx-Latinx people. This course will illustrate how Afrx-Latinxs are a complex group of people with different experiences in the United States and that are deeply embedded in the histories, locations, structures and institutions of the United States. We will also investigate the structures that organize the migration flows from the Caribbean, Central and South American nations. Prerequisites: SOCI 1301or ENGL 1302. 



SPAN 3331: Latin American Film History 3(3)
This course examines the inception of film-making as industry and provides an overview of twentieth century cinematic trends, movements and practices.

MGMT 4379 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship: Latino Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders
This course explores Latino entrepreneurs and business leaders from an historical and innovation perspective. Course assignments will include readings, presentations and class discussions to identify the environment, the socio-economic conditions, opportunities, innovative contributions, and history of Latino entrepreneurs and business leaders. Students will also conduct research on current Latino entrepreneurs and business leaders.

EDBL: Multicultural and Human Development 3(3)
This course focuses on examining principal theories that address the linguistic and cultural needs of a diverse population. Included in this course will be the exploration of diversity issues, redefinement of classroom management and planning techniques, teaching strategies and informal and formal assessment practices for culturally and linguistically diverse students. Students will exhibit an understanding of the Texas teacher competencies as outlined in the Pedagogy and Professional portion of the TExES exam.


EDEC: Working with Diverse Families and Young Children 3(3)
This course focuses on understanding the dynamic relationship between families and those who care for young children.  Issues of diversity, family strengths, family stresses and parenting will be discussed.  The course will describe how to support and empower diverse families including utilizing the strengths of families to promote positive collaborations between the home, community and early childhood facility. 


EDRG: Multicultural Children’s Literature 3(3)
Multicultural Children’s Literature is designed to provide a foundation for students who are interested in exploring children and young adult literature that is centered around a Latinx theme. The coursework will engage students with activities and literature to enhance knowledge of implementing materials with children and young adults.