Health Professionals Advisory Committee

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Receiving Advice from HPAC

One of the most important ways in which HPAC can help you is by giving you academic and professional advice.  In order for HPAC to do this efficiently, we ask that students adhere to the following procedure when seeking HPAC’s advising services.

      1. Check that your current GPA meets the following criteria to be eligible for HPAC advising.
        • First-year students: No GPA requirement
        • Sophomore classification: at least a 2.5 GPA
        • Junior classification: at least a 2.75 GPA
        • Senior classification: at least a 3.0 GPA
      2. If your GPA meets the criteria above, email Dr. Chris Mares
        ( using your A&M—SA email account. Please structure this email as follows and do not include additional information.
        • Title your email “HPAC Advising Request (LastName)” where you substitute in your last name for the text “LastName” in the example
        • Include the following information in the body of your email
          • Your first and last name
          • Your student ID number
          • Your major
          • Your academic classification (first year, sophomore, junior, or senior)
          • Your area of interest (e.g., Pre-med, Pre-pharm, etc.)
          • Your preferred advisor (if you have one)
            ***Please note that it may not always be possible to assign preferred advisors***
      3. Be on the lookout for an email from Dr. Chris Mares containing your advisor assignment. Your advisor will be cc’d on this email.
      4. Work directly with your advisor to schedule advising sessions. It is fine for you to initiate contact with your new advisor.