Computing and Cyber Security

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Program in Computing and Cyber Security

The mission of the Program in Computing and Cyber Security is to support the development of  comprehensive computer science, cyber security and information systems education and research programs that will prepare students for careers in computing, cyber security and information systems; increase campus, community and experiential awareness in computing,  cyber security and information systems; and promote faculty and student research in the fields of computing, cybersecurity and information systems.

Degree Programs

Graduate Program Coordinator | Young Lee
Undergraduate Program Coordinator | Jeong Young
CITCS Director | Jeong Yang 

Melinda Salinas
Administrative Associate V | Computational, Engineering & Math Sciences
(210) 784-5000 
Email the Department 

Texas A&M University-San Antonio
One University Way
San Antonio, Texas 78224

Degree Programs

ALL students graduating from the BS-CS, BBA-CIS, and the BAAS-IT programs with Cyber Security concentrations are eligible to receive the NSA/DHS Cyber Defense Education Certificate upon graduation.
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Student Resources