Accounting Services

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Accounting Services Inventory

Section 15A, Texas A&M University-San Antonio’s General and Fiscal Regulations provides that each department conduct a complete physical inventory of all property in its possession once a year. All Accountable Property Officers are encouraged to read and become familiar with the “TAMUS Asset Management Manual”. A copy can be located at:

TAMUS Asset Management Manual

The inventory list for your department will be emailed to your Accountable Property Officer (APO) and Inventory liaison to ensure all assets assigned to your department can be accounted for using the scanner that will be provided to you. ALL ITEMS LOCATED IN YOUR DEPARTMENT MUST BE SCANNED, REGARDLESS IF THEY APPEAR ON YOUR INVENTORY SHEET OR NOT. This will assist other departments in locating unaccounted assets of the University.

  1. At your scheduled time, the designated APO or Inventory Liaison for your department will need to go to Accounting Services in Building 113 to sign out the AssetWorks scanner to be used for the physical inventory. Your department will have a limited amount of time to do the inventory and return the scanner. You must register for prospective date and times on the TAMUSA website. The scheduled times for inventories will begin on August 19th and end on Oct 16. You may request a morning slot or the afternoon slot. The registration link will be emailed.
  2. Please see the instructions attached on how to operate and enter the necessary information into the scanner.
  3. All exceptions, such as capital and controlled assets in your department that are not included on the inventory sheet or capital and controlled assets that have been transferred to another location or user that remains on your inventory sheet in error, must be reported as an exception in the “Certification Form”. Accounting will require an Accountable Transfer or Change of Location Form to document and update the change in our inventory system.
  4. Any missing or stolen property must be reported to the Property Manager within 24 hours and the “Missing/ Stolen Property Form” must be completed and turned in along with an attached police report of the incident.

Please return all original documents, including the Certification Form and any other documentation to Andrew Cavazos,  Inventory & Property Control Coordinator  no later than the assigned due date. If you have any questions, you may contact Andrew Cavazos at ext. 2013 or Denis Cano at ext. 2011.

Please sign up below to review your department inventory.