How to Request Exam

In this video, you will learn how to request to take an exam in the DSS Office.

This will replace calling or emailing to request to take an exam in the DSS Office.

It is the student's responsibility to request to take

an exam in AIM five business days prior to the exam date.

An exam date cannot be guaranteed if less than a five business days notice is given.

After logging into AIM,

click on alternative testing under My Accommodations.

Select the class, then click Schedule an Exam.

Please read carefully the following terms and

conditions of scheduling alternative testing in DSS.

DSS exam center, central academic building Suite 2110 2107-84-1335,

[] Monday through Friday,

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

The DSS exam center hours vary due to

scheduled exam demands and maybe open as needed for exams when scheduled in advance.

Instructors will submit their schedule and proctor guidelines to DSS directly and it is

the student's responsibility to request alternative testing

in AIM five business days prior to the exam.

The instructor is not responsible for scheduling the exam with DSS.

When possible, students who choose to utilize

their exam accommodations will be scheduled to

take the exam during the regular exam time.

If an adjustment is needed due to

the availability of exam rooms or back-to-back classes,

DSS will contact the instructor to discuss options.

If a student misses a scheduled exam,

it is the student's responsibility to request

permission from the instructor for an extension.

DSS will not schedule unless given authorization from the instructor.

Student's responsibility.

The student is responsible for scheduling their exam

through the AIM portal under alternative testing,

five business days prior to the exam.

If a student misses a scheduled exam,

it is the student's responsibility to request

permission from the instructor for an extension.

If a DSS student does not wish to

utilize their accommodation or fails to schedule with DSS,

the student may be present in class for the exam.

Instructor responsibility.

The instructor is responsible for submitting the schedule and

proctor form to DSS at the beginning of each semester through the AIM portal.

The instructor is also responsible for submitting the exam to

DSS located in the central academic building suite 210,

or uploading it in the AIM portal 1-4 days prior to the scheduled exam.

DSS will not proctor an exam if we have not received the schedule and proctor form.

If a student is unable to take a scheduled accommodated exam in

DSS because the instructor has not submitted the schedule and proctor form,

the instructor is responsible for providing

an extension to the student for a rescheduled appointment.

DSS responsibility.

The instructor and student will receive

an email appointment when a student schedules an exam.

If the instructor has not yet submitted the schedule and proctor form,

the employment will be titled pending.

DSS will send email reminders to the instructor

requesting the schedule and proctor form and exam.

If an adjustment is needed due to

the availability of exam rooms or back-to-back classes,

DSS will contact the instructor to discuss options.

DSS will administer and proctor the exam

utilizing the schedule and proctor form provided by the instructor.

All completed exams will be returned within one business day.

If the preferred method is not provided,

we will return the exam through the AIM database.

Exam or quiz security.

All exams will be secured within DSS.

During the exam, students will be monitored and

proctored based on the guidelines the instructor provides.

Any proctor who observes a suspected incident

of academic misconduct has the right to interrupt the exam,

take possession of any unauthorized materials,

and make a copy of the exam.

The original will be returned to the student to

complete without the unauthorized material.

The instructor will be notified and provided with a copy and the completed original.

The instructor will then be responsible for further action according to the rules

detailed in the Texas A&M University San Antonio Student Handbook.

Anything below read this first before scheduling exam are the answers from

the instructor after they filled out the schedule and proctor form.

These answers will vary based on what

the instructor has placed on the schedule and proctor form.

After reviewing the terms and conditions of scheduling an exam,

scroll to the bottom and fill out the form.

You will see your class information which will

help you when filling out your exam details.

Select the request type,

the date of the exam,

the time of the exam,

and the services requested.

These are your approved accommodations and it is recommended that you select all of them.

Please provide any additional information that would be helpful in scheduling the exam,

including other classes that meet on

the same day as the exam in the additional notes section.

After clicking Update exam request,

if you see this screen,

this means that the requested exam date does not meet the five business day requirement.

A reason will have to be provided along with additional information.

For example, any other available exam times.

Any changes must be approved by the instructor.

After you select your reason and provide additional information,

please click I have read and understood the late exam request policy above.

Then select Update late exam request.

The student will receive an email when the request has been submitted.

To see updates for exam request,

click alternative testing again.

The status will change as we go through the process of approving your exam request.

If you have any questions,

please contact our office at

210-784-1335 or email us at []