Disability Support Services

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AIM Portal for Instructors

Overview of the AIM Instructor Portal

AIM Login for Instructors




Disability Support Services at Texas A&M-San Antonio uses Accessible Information management (AIM), an online accommodation management portal that helps students request and coordinate their accommodations with instructors. This system also allows instructors to view accommodation requests in a central location. 

In the Instructor AIM portal, instructors will be able to:

  • View list of students who have requested accommodations in their courses.
  • Review Faculty Notification Letters (previously known as LOAs) in a central location.
  • Complete Disability Support Services (DSS) Schedule & Proctor Form that outline the details for all exams in your class.
  • Review Exam Requests submitted by students in their courses.
  • Upload exams to the AIM Portal for administration.


How to Use the Instructor Portal






How to Upload an Exam into the AIM Portal






How to Retrieve an Exam from the AIM Portal

