Writing Center

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What happens in the Writing Center?


Individual and Small Group Tutoring

Most students who visit the Writing Center attend an individualized tutoring session with one of our tutors. These sessions are generally 45 minutes long, and provide students with plenty of time to review their work with a tutor and set a plan for how they will proceed with an assignment. Our sessions generally open with a few minutes where the tutor and student get to know one another a little bit. This time is very important because it lets the tutor know what you'll be working on and what your concerns are. From here, you and the tutor will collaboratively set goals for your session. These goals can address any stage of your writing process! For example, you may be struggling to understand an assignment sheet, wanting to brainstorm topics, or ready to begin polishing what you've written. From here, you and your tutor will work through your goals  together. Our Writing Tutors will never take total control of a session and go through your writing without you. They will also never judge your writing. Instead, our Writing Tutors bring expertise in writing processes and writing strategies. Throughout your session, our tutors will use this expertise to work with you in strengthening your writing assignment as well as your confidence as a writer. As your session draws to a close, your Writing Tutor will ask if you have any lingering questions and reflect on what you have accomplished in your session. Finally, you and your tutor will identify what your next steps will be in the process. If one of these steps is a return appointment, your tutor can set this up for you during your session. 

If you are working on a group project or working on an writing assignment at the same time as your classmate is, a group session is a great option! These sessions will be similar to our individual Writing Center sessions. However, the tutor will do more to guide you and your peers in working together. 

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Studio Space

Looking for a place to write on campus? Wanting to brainstorm for an assignment on a white board? Feel like you hae a good direction about where you'd like to head with an assignment, but you'd like someone there just in case you have a question? Needing to use a laptop for your paper, but you don't have one? We've got you covered! When we are not doing workshops, the back of the Writing Center is used as studio writing space. Students can check out a laptop at our front desk, and they are welcome to use any of the materials that we keep on the table while they work. If you have a question while you're writing, just let us know! A Writing Tutor will help you out as soon as one is available. 

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Writing Workshops

Throughout the semester, we offer a number of workshops on topics ranging from grammar to writing process. These workshops are lead by our great tutors, and also give you a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with the Writing Center. 

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Writing Events around Campus

In addition to the work we do within the Writing Center, we also host a range of events around campus! Some of these events are just for fun, like our annual celebration of the National Day on Writing, while others get down to the business of writing! All of our events are advertised in the Writing Center, on the Digital Media boards on campus, and through JagSync.