Writing Center

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Introduction to Writing College Papers

This workshop is best suited for JaguarTracks courses and is about 45-50 minutes in length. 

This workshop introduces students to effective strategies for writing a college paper. Specifically, the writing tutor will walk students through the following areas that can cause difficulty early in their college careers:

  • understanding a writing assignment
  • connecting with support resources
  • adapting their writing process in high school to the college context

Through this workshop, students will engage with ways to address each of these areas and learn tips for when they are struggling. Handouts and activities are provided throughout the workshops as an interactive component.

After completing this workshop, students will be able to do the following:

  1. Identify a number of resources available to them on campus for writing assignments
  2. Understand and implement the rhetorical situation into their writing process for more productive drafting and writing
  3. Have a clearer understanding of their own individual writing process
  4. Be able to identify tools to overcome difficulty with an assignment


To request a introduction to the writing center, send the following to Katherine.Bridgman@tamusa.edu:

  1. Course title
  2. Course location
  3. Course time
  4. Three requested dates 

* Please note that requests must be received at least 7 business days in advance.