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English Graduate Studies

Program Overview

Our M.A. Program in English offers students opportunities to deepen their knowledge of literary periods, genres, and theories, as well as hone their writing, research, and analytical skills. We offer seminars in American literature, British literature, multi-ethnic literatures, composition and rhetoric, gender studies, and visual studies. Our seminars are small and discussion-oriented, and students will work closely with professors on their graduate research project or thesis.

Admission Requirements and Process

Our award-winning faculty members regularly present their research at major national and international conferences, including the Modern Language Association, Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, and Conference on College Composition and Communication. Their work has been published in prestigious academic journals—such as  Studies in English Literature, Journal of Modern Literature, Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, Journal of Writing Assessment, and Kairos—and in critical anthologies, including Reading the Boss: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Works of Bruce Springsteen (2010), Critical Insights: Brave New World (2014), and Identity and Leadership in Virtual Communities: Establishing Credibility and Influence (2014). Because faculty are actively involved in their fields, they are prepared to offer an assortment of innovative seminars—examples include Literature and Photography, The Cosmopolitan Novel, and Shakespeare and Film—and to introduce students to current developments in literary criticism and theory as well as composition and rhetoric.

Upon completion of the program, students will be prepared to continue their graduate studies in English studies or related disciplines, such as education and law. They will also have acquired professional and intellectual skills that will be applicable in a variety of careers, including public relations, editing, and government service. To date, most of our graduates have either continued with their education, in programs such as the M.F.A. at The New School in New York City, or have gone on to teaching careers in San Antonio high schools and community colleges.

Program Details

The English M.A. is a 36-hour Program. Students are required to take Introduction to Graduate Studies, Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing, Theory, and Methods, and, at the midpoint of their progress to degree, Professional Archives and the Public Humanities. Students must also choose between a Graduate Research Project (3 hours) or a Thesis (6 hours) for their capstone project. To be eligible to begin Thesis or GRP work, students must have completed 24 hours of graduate coursework. Students may choose the remainder of their coursework based on their interests. Since the topics courses frequently rotate, students can repeat these topics courses up to three times each.

Students can choose to pursue a supporting field in Business or Education; however, supporting fields are not required.

For more information on degree plans, course listings and descriptions, thesis and graduate research project guidelines, and admission requirements, as well as the many opportunities available to graduate students in our program, please follow the links on the side of this page.

Who Should Apply?

The M.A. in English can be beneficial for a variety of careers. Typically, students who have completed the degree either attend M.F.A. or Ph.D. Programs, or they go on to teach literature and writing in secondary schools or community colleges. However, earning a M.A. in English is also excellent preparation for students seeking careers in technical writing, editing, or publishing. The M.A. in English can also greatly benefit students pursuing careers in advertising, law, banking, marketing, and public relations.

Applicants should have a Bachelor’s degree in English or a related field. Prospective students should be committed to their education, prepared for an intensive but supportive program. Strengths of the program include, but are not limited to, American literature after the Civil War, Shakespeare and early modern studies, digital rhetoric, modern and contemporary British literature, pedagogy, and Chicana/o studies. We also regularly offer seminars on film, women’s literature and gender studies, and popular culture.

Why English at A&M-San Antonio?

Here are just a few of the many reasons for pursuing an M.A. in English at Texas A&M University-San Antonio:

      • Small class sizes that emphasize student discussion and interaction
      • Faculty committed to excellence in teaching and personalizing your education
      • Intensive and innovative seminars that will introduce you to the most current developments in the discipline
      • Regular professionalization workshops on topics that will help you maximize your education experience, for instance strategies to help you craft your curriculum vitae as well as how to apply to academic conferences
      • Opportunities to customize your education based on your academic interests and career goals; our students have written their capstone projects on such diverse topics as American young adult literature, aesthetics and politics of Camp, classroom and writing center pedagogy, and Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels, among many other topics
      • A supportive and intellectually stimulating environment with plenty of opportunities for extracurricular activities and participation in program events— click here for more information                                                                                                   
      • Classrooms equipped with sophisticated computer and multimedia technology

But don’t just take our word for it! Here are testimonials from current and alumni graduate students in English with details about their experiences in our program:

“I am a 2020 TAMU-SA COVID-19 pandemic graduate and in-turn was nervous about beginning graduate school in the midst of a global pandemic, however, the Language, Literature, and Arts department made the transition from undergraduate to graduate seamless, even in this unprecedented time! The support and encouragement from the English M.A. program has encouraged me to network, attend conferences, submit proposals, and many more opportunities that I would not have pursued otherwise! The program’s size allows for relationship building opportunities among fellow students, faculty, and staff. The specialties of the LLA faculty and the exposure to various fields and topics has facilitated and developed my own professional interests throughout my time in the graduate program. Earning a B.A. in English with teacher certification as an undergraduate student and now completing a M.A. in English by Spring 2023 in the program and continuing to work closely with the faculty at TAMU-SA has been an experience unique to the program at TAMU-SA and a key component to my academic success!” -Desiree Brown, current student

 “In my time as an English MA student at Texas A&M University San Antonio I was given skill sets and critical lenses which will help me in the future. I worked on professional development, such as creating online portfolios, CVs, and sample coursework. I also spent many classes researching and learning about various perspectives from QTBIPOC authors to Afrofuturism to Chicanx Studies. These studies helped cultivate a better understanding for those ideas, as well as an openness and foundation to understanding any new or unfamiliar frames of critical thinking I may encounter later on. One of the things I’m most grateful for from the program was the professional development opportunities. I was able to present at multiple conferences through my work with faculty as a Research Assistant, a Graduate Assistant, and Writing Tutor. These experiences helped me place my coursework into real life scenarios while also giving my CV the experience it needed to launch me into the next adventure." -Ashley Riveron Maverick, MA 2022

“The M.A. in English program at Texas A&M-San Antonio gives you the flexibility to work on your projects and the freedom to take on your independent interests. Not only do they provide you the assistance in choosing your field of study, but also support you in the research process. As a first-gen master’s student, I always felt that I was cared for by my professors, advisors, and peers. In addition, the program creates an environment of inclusivity, empowerment, and self-care. I would recommend this program to anyone who would like the opportunity to do analysis in their chosen studies, and, of course, be supported throughout their grad school career and after they have crossed the stage.” -Alyssa De La O, MA 2022

“The English Program at Texas A&M University-San Antonio provides multiple avenues for academic growth. Being a gay Latinx non-traditional student from day one, I felt my decision to enter the MA program was essential. The professors in the English program were supportive and understanding of the challenges students of color encounter. The professional relationship between students and professors played a role in my success and the acknowledgment of belonging…If you seek individual support, a small classroom, an engaging discourse that values multicultural learning, decolonization, then the English program at TAMUSA is the right fit for you." -Lorenzo Casanova, MA 2021


For more information about the M.A. program at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, please query our English Studies Graduate Coordinator:


Lizbett Tinoco 
Office: Classroom Hall 314-D 
Phone: (210) 784-2852 
Email: ltinoco@tamusa.edu