Privacy & Security Statement

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Texas A&M University-San Antonio respects your privacy and is committed to ensuring that any personal or confidential information that is collected is kept accurate and secure from unauthorized access. The University's campus homepage, and any other campus website linking to this page, does not collect personal information about visitors. We may, however, use third party analytics services that may use browser cookies to anonymously collect and track site usage information. This information is then analyzed as an aggregate, and no personally identifiable information is collected.


This Privacy and Security Statement applies to the TAMU-SA campus homepage - and any site explicitly linking to it. Since the TAMU-SA web community consists of many websites, other websites may adopt different privacy and security statements as their specific needs require. The TAMU-SA homepage, as well as other sites across campus, contain links to various external websites. The University is not responsible for the privacy and security practices or the content of external websites linked to.

Information Gathered by TAMU-SA

Personal information that you provide via email or through other online means will be used only for purposes necessary to serve your needs, such as responding to an inquiry or other request for information. This may involve redirecting your inquiry or comment to another person or department better suited to meeting your needs.

Our site does use server logs to collect information concerning your internet connection and general information about your visit to our website. This information may be used to analyze trends; to create summary statistics for the purpose of determining technical design specifications; and to identify system performance or problem areas.

This means we sometimes acquire, record, and analyze portions of the data that is entered into, stored on, and/or transmitted through this site by you. This information is only released – when legally required – to help law enforcement investigations, legal proceedings or internal investigations of violations of TAMU System Policies & Regulations or TAMU-SA Rules & Procedures. These groups would use the information to track the electronic interactions back to the source computer(s) or account(s).

A cookie file contains unique information that a website can use to track such things as passwords, pages you have visited, the date you last looked at a specific page, and to identify your session at a particular website. We do not use cookies to track or collect any information that could personally identify individual visitors.

Server Log Information

The following information may be collected from server logs utilizing the services of Google Analytics and/or Rackspace analytics for analysis. Note that other servers across campus might collect different data elements.

  • User/client hostname - The hostname (or IP address if DNS is disabled) of the user/client requesting access
  • HTTP header, "user agent" - The user-agent information includes the type of browser, its version, and the operating system it is running on
  • HTTP header, "referrer" - The referrer specifies the page from which the client accessed the current page
  • System date - The date and time of the user/client request
  • Full request - The exact request the user/client made
  • Status - The status code the server returned to the user/client
  • Content length - The content length, in bytes, of the document sent to the user/client
  • Method - The request method used
  • Universal Resource Identifier (URI) - The location of a resource on the server
  • Query string of the URI - Anything after the question mark in a URI
  • Protocol - The transport protocol and version used

Some web pages at Texas A&M University-San Antonio may collect personal information about visitors and use that information for purposes other than those stated above.

Access to Information

Except for education records governed by FERPA, all information collected from this website, including the summary server log information, emails sent to the website, and information collected from web-based forms, may be subject to the Texas Public Information Act. This means that while TAMU-SA does not actively share information, in some cases may be compelled by law to release information gathered from its web servers.

The Texas Public Information Act, with a few exceptions, gives you the right to be informed about the information that this website collects about you. It also gives you the right to request a copy of that information, and to have the university correct any of that information that is wrong. You may request to receive and review any of that information, or request corrections to it, by submitting the Public Information Request form.


Extensive security measures consistent with the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) "Information Security Standards" and TAMU-SA Rules and Procedures have been employed to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or destruction of information under our control, as well as the loss, misuse, or alteration of this website and/or associated electronic information resources. The information resources that support this site undergo an annual information security risk assessment via the Information Security Awareness Assessment and Compliance (ISAAC) system. The ISAAC system is used to assess the security posture of information systems and measure compliance with information security standards.


If you have any questions about the practices of this site or your use of this website, please contact the Web Manager at:

Texas A&M University-San Antonio
University Communications
Attention: Website Manager
One University Way
San Antonio, Texas 78224.