Tenure and Promotion Schedule

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Tenure and/or Promotion Calendar

The following timeline will apply to all applications for tenure and/or promotion:

Last Friday in February: The department chair will send written notification to each faculty member who is entering his/her mandatory year for a tenure decision that he/she must apply for tenure during the subsequent academic year and be approved for tenure in order to continue employment at the university beyond the probationary period.

March 31: Each faculty member who plans to apply for promotion and/or tenure in the subsequent academic year will submit written notification of intent to the chair of the department. The dean of the college will forward a summary list of faculty members in the college applying for tenure and/or promotion to the provost’s office no later than the 1st Friday in April.

1st Friday in September: Each applicant for promotion and/or tenure must submit an electronic portfolio of accomplishments and curriculum vitae to the appropriate dean. The structure of the electronic portfolio is described in 1.6.4. The dean will provide access to the P/T application to the appropriate reviewing authorities within the department and the college.

3rd Friday in September: The departmental P/T committee’s written recommendations with justifications for faculty promotion and/or tenure are due to the respective department chair.

1st Friday in October: The academic college committee’s written recommendations with justifications for faculty promotion and/or tenure are due to the respective dean. 

3rd Friday in October: The department chair’s recommendations with justifications for promotion and/or tenure are due to the dean.

1st Friday in November: The dean’s recommendations with justifications for promotion and/or tenure are due to the provost.

1st Friday in December: The provost’s recommendations with justifications for tenure and/or promotion are due to the president.

3rd Friday in January: The president renders a decision regarding all recommendations for tenure and authorizes submission of recommendations to the Chancellor and/or System Board of Regents (BoR) for approval during the March BoR meeting. The president will send a letter to the candidate relating the BoR’s action on the recommendation for tenure. Written notice of denials of tenure will be provided in accordance with System Policy 12.01, Academic Freedom, Responsibility, and Tenure, section 4.1.

At each stage of internal review, the faculty member will receive a written summary of the report forwarded to the next level of review. The written summary shall describe the recommendation and a summary of the justifications either through electronic means or in paper form in a sealed envelope and in such manner as to ensure confidentiality of the decision. The parties responsible for these communications are the committee chair, the departmental chair, the college dean, the provost, and the president. At any stage of review, a faculty member may withdraw the application for tenure and/or promotion.

Read A&M-San Antonio Rule
Requirements for Tenure and Promotion