Office of Equity and Inclusive Excellence

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Equity and Inclusion Research and Briefs

A&M-SA Research and Briefs:
Daniels, R., Knowles, K., and Graham. A. (2022). Focus Groups 'Weigh In' on Equity, Wellness, and Quantitative Reasoning.
Paradigm Times is a quarterly magazine from the History Program. Check their latest publication at
Elias, V., Shen, S., & Lee, S. (2021). Life during COVID: A Survey of Texas A&M University - San Antonio Students Experiencing the Global Pandemic. PCOE 2 funded research. Texas A&M University – San Antonio.
PCOE Focus Group Study on Digital Equity . In 2020, group discussions with a small number of students about their use of technology during the COVID pandemic, and about their general feelings regarding diversity and the campus environment. Click here to see the major themes expressed by the students.
Connect with A&M-SA scholars building research on equity and inclusion. ( Click here to see some scholars and their research focus) 

A&M-SA Research and Briefs:

If you are a researcher, contact us to include your research brief here!