Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

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IACUC Protocol Review Procedures

Once the application is received, it will begin the review process. Although the review process is often completed in 2-6 weeks, PI's are encouraged to submit their materials 6-8 weeks before the anticipated start of the project to avoid delays. Handwritten submissions will not be accepted.
  1. Full Committee Review - Under full committee review, a quorum of the committee must meet in person (audio/video conferencing has been allowed in special situations) to discuss the proposal. After discussion, a vote on approval is taken and a majority of members must vote to approve. Dissenting members can submit a "minority opinion" in the meeting minutes if they wish.
  2. Designated reviewer method - The proposals are sent to the committee, and everyone is allowed one week to submit a request the proposal be reviewed using the "full committee review" method. If no one requests a full committee review, the chair can assign the proposal to one or more members for review. The designated reviewer(s) can approve the proposal, grant approval upon minor changes, or request a full committee review. The designated reviewer(s) cannot deny approval (only the full committee, in a convened meeting, can deny a proposal).