Education Abroad

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The CoEHD Education Abroad programs will adhere to the guiding principles found in the most current edition of the Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad, The Forum on Education Abroad. [ISBN: 978-1-952376-00-9]

Specific guiding principles referred to on this webpage are designated by bolded number as appropriate.


  • Responsible parties shall evaluate the ways in which education abroad programming is or is not achieving its mission, goals, objectives, and outcomes. (Guiding Principle 4.1.4)
  • Responsible parties shall assess the outcomes and use these findings for continuous improvement. (Guiding Principle 4.1.5)

Each education abroad program sponsor will reflect on the program and their experiences using the form provided in QuickBase. The completed reflection will be reviewed by the Assistant Dean for Academics along with the sponsor(s) in a follow-up meeting.


CoEHD full-time faculty will request an education abroad program through a proposal process:

  1. Faculty will complete proposal form and submit through Adobe Acrobat, including signature from Department Chair or supervisor.
  2. Assistant Dean for Academics will review the proposal. A meeting with the sponsor(s) may be requested for clarification and/or suggested revisions.
  3. Once endorsed, the Dean will review the proposal for final approval.
  4. Upon approval, official notification will be sent to the sponsor(s).
  5. The sponsor(s) will then complete all required documents listed in the CoEHD’s Education Abroad Procedure.
  6. Once the program abroad has been completed, the sponsor(s) will fill in the reflection form via Adobe Acrobat and schedule a meeting with the Assistant Dean for Academics to discuss the experiences.



The CoEHD Education Abroad Programs and responsible parties shall collaborate and operate in accordance with ethical principles outlined in Guiding Principle 4.3.


The CoEHD shall prioritize education abroad programs that demonstrate equity, diversity, and inclusion. (Guiding Principle 4.4)


  • BEFORE program responsible parties shall prepare all students to be successful abroad throughout the program design, outreach, advising, application, and pre-departure processes. (Guiding Principle 6.1)
  • DURING program, responsible parties shall support learning and development to achieve portfolio and/or program learning goals. (Guiding Principle 6.2)
  • AFTER program, responsible parties shall support post-program integration and application of academic, professional, and personal learning. (Guiding Principle 6.3)


  • Fall Education Abroad Programs
    • Early Fall: Discuss with Assistant Dean for Academics plans/ideas to lead a program for the following Fall
    • December 1st: Proposals for the following Fall due (with supervisor’s signature)
    • January 15th: Official notice of approval/denial for Summer and Fall proposals will be sent to the sponsor(s)
    • February 1st: Sponsor(s) should begin advertising and marketing for their approved Spring program
    • Summer prior to education abroad program: Sponsor(s) should prepare orientations for participants
    • January following Fall education abroad program: Sponsor(s) complete a reflection and schedule follow-up meeting with Assistant Dean for Academics
  • Spring Education Abroad Programs
    • Early Spring: Discuss with Assistant Dean for Academics plans/ideas to lead a program for the following Spring semester
    • May 1st: Proposals for the following Spring semester due (with supervisor’s signature)
    • June 1st: Official notice of approval/denial for Spring proposals will be sent to the sponsor(s)
    • August 1st: Sponsor(s) should begin advertising and marketing for their approved Spring program
    • Fall prior to education abroad program: Sponsor(s) should prepare orientations for participants
    • June following Spring education abroad program: Sponsor(s) complete a reflection and schedule follow-up meeting with Assistant Dean for Academics
  • Summer Education Abroad Programs
    • Late Spring: Discuss with Assistant Dean for Academics plans/ideas to lead a program for the following year’s Summer sessions
    • September 1st: Proposals for the following Summer semesters due (with supervisor’s signature)
    • October 1st: Official notice of approval/denial for Summer proposals will be sent to the sponsor(s)
    • November 1st: Sponsor(s) should begin advertising and marketing for their approved Summer program
    • Spring prior to education abroad program: Sponsor(s) should prepare orientations for participants
    • September following Summer education abroad program: Sponsor(s) complete a reflection and schedule follow-up meeting with Assistant Dean for Academics
  • All required forms for travel (step 5 under Process) are due to Assistant Dean for Academics a minimum of 6 weeks prior to first day of travel.

  • Please complete the form and submit on or before the due date outlined in the TIMELINE above. Once you complete the form and click on the Submit button, it will ask you to save the PDF file on your local drive.
    Contact Dr. Lorrie Webb ( with questions.